Monday, June 07, 2004

Went to the People's Fair this weekend

I always like it, it's always pretty fun...ESPECIALLY the Demented Grannies, who run around in Little House on the Prairie dresses and sing their silly little songs about big bad bombs and GW. Puhleeze. I'm venturing a guess here: old white ladies...upper-middle-class, Mums and Pops paid for college, you married right after (just like you supposed to!), had your 3.5 children or whatever, but you've got the kids! Let's see, you were teachers or social workers, no other choice, now you're all bored and SCARED about G-dub! Bombing everyone! Making "them" hate us even more! Hate is bad! Peace is Good!!

They remind me of a whole gaggle of ladies-who-lunch, and one time I was lunching with them, and the presumed I would vote for Hillary Clinton for President, you know, because we both have vaginas or something. They were AGHAST when I said -uh, no way. I then proceeded to explain why that would NEVER happen, and I would NEVER vote for a woman JUST BECAUSE she is a woman.

These women remind me of them - all pat answers and slogans and nonsense. They give women a bad name, like we're all peace-at-any-cost kind of pacifists, we can't handle the truth. Stupid old bitches, that what I always say.


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