Wednesday, March 17, 2004

My Brother, some Hot Shot - here's his Ancient Chinese Secret...

Calgon, you know it! Brother, you went to see Queens of the Stone Age in October! Did you forget?? How dare you - HOW DARE YOU. I'm stripping your honorary Josh Homme badge. You are on PROBATION. Listen people - I try, I try to get him to listen to new music, I burn him cd's and say - hey, what'd you think of that band? He'll say: huh...duh...wha? Not necessarily in that order, and not necessarily all together. But, like I said, my coolness radiates off me like a red-hot sun, therefore Simms17 has got to get a bit of a tan. Anyway, everyone in the know knows the only the reason the sibling units are kewl is because of me...JacksOne.


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