The care and eating of Koi
Can Koi be eaten? Are they as tasty as trout? Do they fight the line, or are they like lambs to the slaughter? Koi season is upon us. Yes, all winter the Koi have been swimming around and getting fat, making them plump and delicious for summer grilling. Plus, they're heart healthy. AND, they come in purty colors. Koi can be prepared in many delicious ways! I like Koi tacos myself.
I want the orange and white sploched one! With a Pabst and some tater salad. Hell, let's have Terry and Pam over too, we'll smoke Virginia Slims and whoop it up in the backyard. Ahh, summertime.
I want the orange and white sploched one! With a Pabst and some tater salad. Hell, let's have Terry and Pam over too, we'll smoke Virginia Slims and whoop it up in the backyard. Ahh, summertime.
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